1st Class Long Jing Dragon Well Green Tea Tin 50g Review

1st Class Long Jing Dragon Well Green Tea Tin 50gGreen Tea's 18 Health Benefits for You!
By Nadine Taylor, M.S., R.D,

Green Tea has been highly regarded for thousands of years ans healing medicinal beverage. And in recent years, scientists have confirmed the validity of its ancient reputation, discovering the green tea can fight disease and even lengthen life by:
1. Preventing normal cells from turning cancerous;
2. Suppressing the formation and growth of tumors;
3. Guarding against free radical damage that can bright about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, radiation damage, and aging;
4. Enhancing immune systems functions;
5. Controlling cholesterol levels;
6. Lowering the risk of stroke by making blood platelets less "sticky";
7. Controlling blood pressure levels;
8. Fighting deadly food-borne bacteria;
9. Promoting "friendly" bacteria in the intestines and encouraging bowel regularity;
10. Fighting viruses, including those that cause herpes simple, polio, and even HIV;
11. Lowering the risk of post-traumatic epileptic seizures in laboratory animals;
12. Assisting in weight loss by blocking the breakdown of starch;
13. Providing a mild stimulating effect without causing sleepless nights or nervousness;
14. Fighting bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities and bad breath;
15. Slowing the aging process;
16. Maintaining the body's fluid balance;
17. Reducing stress;
18. Acting as a safe and effective natural preservative in food and cosmetics.

No other substance on the face of the earth, including the most potent drug, can claim such wide-ranging and powerful health benefits, and all without a single side effect. Yes, Green Tea can truly perform "miracles" for just pennies a cup.

By Nadine Taylor, M.S., R.D, <>, Page: 87-88

Yuexi Cuilan (Yuexi Green Orchid Tea) - Organic Green Tea 10 Tea Bag 30g

Green Tea and Weight Loss - Losing Weight the Natural Way!

Green tea weight loss has become a hot topic of discussion in the weight loss and medical circles. The documented positive effects of green tea on losing weight has caused more and more people looking to lose weight to seek out this ancient brew.

However does green tea actually help you to lose weight? Is this all simply hype or is there something real and factual to the stories? Well here are some interesting facts about drinking green tea and weight loss.

Advantages of Drinking Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green tea and boosting your metabolism - Recently the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported its findings on the effect of drinking green tea and weight loss. Researchers found that green tea extract actually increased the metabolism of green tea drinkers dramatically. So much so that in a 24 hour period the average metabolic rate of the green tea drinkers in the studies increased by over 4%. Green tea possesses extremely high levels of catechin polyphenols. These substances actually aid your body in increasing its ability to oxidize fat and speeds up thermo-genesis which is how quickly your body burns off excess fat and calories. This is a critical factor of drinking green tea and weight loss.

Researchers also found that green tea regulates glucose leevels. Green tea helps to keep your blood levels stable after each meal and prevents spikes in insulin. This means less fat is stored after each meal while drinking green tea. This is directly tied to the active ingredients called catechins found in high levels in green tea.

Green tea also reduces your cravings and appetite - In a recent study it was found that green tea extracts caused rats to lose up to 21 percent of their body weight after a week of being injected with green tea extract. These rats were injected daily with the green tea extract. As a result the rats consumed up to 60 percent less food after a week. It's believed that this is tied directly to green tea's ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

Green Tea and Weight Loss - The Bottom Line

Green tea helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate boosting your body's ability to burn excess calories and stored fat. Green tea also regulates your blood sugar levels and suppresses your appetite. Green tea is also a far superior choice to drinking coffee each day. So overall the stories are indeed true in regards to the power of drinking green tea and weight loss.

Kancura Herb Slimming Tea + Genseng TeaHow to Brew Green Tea ?
Although it's not hard to do, there are a few things to be considered when brewing green tea

Water quality...
Good quality water is essential for making a good cup of green tea. Make sure you're using good water.

Water temperature...
This is where most mistakes are made. Brew your green tea too hot, and your tea will become bitter. The correct temperature does vary depending on the green tea, but for most it is around 165-170 degrees F (73-76 C.)

Proportion of green tea to water...
Most of our green teas are brewed at 1 heaping teaspoon (5 grams) per 8 ounces of water, but this can vary depending on the tea.

Brew time...
Generally, two minutes is all it takes Any longer, and the taste may becomes too bitter. Also, it's very important to NOT stir, shake, or mix the tea.

Allowing the tea room to expand...
This is rather important. Chinese green tea is compact - it needs room to expand. Tea balls do not work well at all. You'll be much better off using a Japanese teapot that was designed with green tea in mind. It is a one time investment of between $30-$100, and will make your life so much easier.

Take a good look at the inside of this green tea teapot to the left, made in Japan. The infuser screen goes all the way around the inside of the teapot, allowing the tea leaves to expand fully. This is the best kind to use. These teapots are rather small, about the size of a grapefruit, and usually hold 8-13 ounces or so.

Lipton Green Tea - 100% Natural, 2009 New Spring Green Tea, 50 Fresh Tea Bags from China by A2AWorld Green Tea

Click Here to see more reviews about: 1st Class Long Jing Dragon Well Green Tea Tin 50g

Product Description:
This tea, honored since the 8th century is one of the premier Chinese green teas, grown near the famed West Lake area on the Tieh Mu Mountain Range. Dragonwell is hand-fired in large woks leaving the leaves flat, shiny, and a yellow jade color. It is 1st Class New 2009 Long Jing Tea with nice tin container as perfect gift for your friend or your health life!

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