GoWear fit Lifestyle and Calorie Management System Review

GoWear fit Lifestyle and Calorie Management SystemI have owned the Gowear Fit for about 4 week now and so far glad to say I still don't have any buyers remorse.

My interest in this first started when I saw the Bodybugg on the current season of NBC's the Biggest Loser and so started to research it. When I searched for it on Amazon I got this products page.

I actually read through the info page and some of the reviews without noticing that this wasn't the BodyBugg, until a review mentioned the GoWear Fit vs. the BodyBugg .I then started researching the GoWear Fit, and came to find out that the BodyBugg and GoWear Fit were manufactured by BodyMedia.

Here is a nice table that compares them all dubya dubya dubya dot bodymedia dot com forward slash prodtbl.html

What I got from my research is that both pretty much use the same technology by and large as far as hardware goes. The main differences are in the software that you use to access the info gathered by whichever calorie counter you choose to use. When I looked at pictures of both of them, they looked EXACTLY the same. The only difference was the color scheme.

The biggest "issue" with the GoWear Fit that users seemed to gripe about was the calorie logging. With the GoWear Fit you filled a 3 day profile for meals that the software would use to calculate the average amount of calories that you consume everyday while BodyBugg had the capability of logging in each individual meal everyday so you had much more accurate calorie tracking.

This is not a problem anymore though. The software now allows you to enter each meal individually. So you have the option of either entering each meal or just filling out the 3 day meal profile (I think that's what they call it, not sure since I don't use it) and just have the software average out your calorie intake. I think if you usually eat the same things everyday or so, then this would probably be a plus for you.

Another thing that swayed me towards the GoWear Fit was the fact that it also measured sleep efficiency. It measures how much you lie down awake (trying to go to sleep or waking up from sleep) vs. how much time you spend in deep rem sleep. The BodyBugg didn't.

Ok, so you get the GoWear Fit, open up the box. Inside you'll find the module, armband, manual and code for 3 months free access to the website. The module takes about 3 hours to charge to full from an empty state, but mine was charged apparently because when I plugged it in, it indicated it was full.

The module itself is not too exciting looks wise. It has 2 leds, one labeled `Memory' and the other `Battery'. Next to the led's is a green button that you can press to verify that the module is working correctly. When pressed it gives an A-OK type audio alert if everything is hunky-dory. If the battery is low it will flash with an amber color and green when battery is charged. Same with memory, when there's about 24 hours worth of memory left it will start flashing in an amber color, and green when there's more than 24hrs worth available.

I believe it can store up to 14 days of calorie data before it stops logging. Once it fills up you have to upload the data to the website before it will start logging calorie consumption again. This means that you need access to the website and thus a membership to be able to use this baby.

To start a membership, you log onto the GoWear Fit website (using MS Internet Explorer, Firefox is not supported), download the software drivers, install them onto your pc (it's a 20mb download). Then you need to purchase a monthly plan. If you commit to 12 months its 6.95/month, 6 months is 9.95/month and month by month for 12.95/month .

Whichever option you choose, you won't get billed until after the 3 free months have expired. I went for the 6.95 per month because it's pretty cheap and if I decide that I want to discontinue the membership before the 12 months are up, I could just cancel the credit card (report it stolen and get a replacement card with different account number issued :P. Fyi, you need to use a bank debit card with Visa/Mastercard logo for this to work. If you use a regular credit card then the charges will be authorized on the newly issued card).

Once you purchase the membership, you will see a "Launch Activity Manager" icon added to the top toolbar on the GoWear Fit website. Clicking that will launch the GoWear Fit software. From there you can start using the GoWear Fit. You first fill out a profile with the usual info, age, weight, height, goals, 3 day food profile or log your meals for the day, download the days data from the GoWear Fit and look up your calorie data, # of steps taken that day, sleep efficiency etc.

The software has been pretty easy to use so far. The food logging is good, but it can be tedious entering calorie information for food that you cook at home or if you eat at a restaurant that is not one of the big franchises. But they have all the usual restaurants Arby's, Wendy's, BK, McDonald's, Olive Garden, Red Lobster etc.

Strangely thoughand much to my glee they also had calorie info for Chipotle. I say "strangely" because Chipotle doesn't list nutrition info on its website. During the weekday I always have lunch at Chipotle and its always the same thing (Steak Bol + rice + black beans + mild + medium + corn salsa). I was able to build this combo and save it so I don't have to piece it together everyday when I enter in my meals.

It saves all your nutrition entries that you enter everyday when you log your meals and presents them as suggestions as you type food names, much like how google makes suggestions as you type search words in the search box on their website.

It also has a reminder feature, were you can program 2 alarms to go off anytime during the day.

When I first got it I had the armband on a bit snug because it seemed like the more in contact with your skin the better the tracking. Unfortunately, after 2 days I started getting an itchy rash where it touched my skin. I loosened the arm band and moved it over to another area on my left arm and it still read my calorie intact just fine and no more rash.

You shouldn't wear it 24 hours a day. I think they recommend taking it off for an hour for every 23 hours worn. I usually take it off 15 minutes after I workout. I dump the arm band in some warm water with a little detergent, ring it out and then throw it in the dryer for 20 minutes on low, and hook up the module to the pc so it can charge. If you don't do this thenI suggest you get an extra arm band and alternate between them every 3 to 4 days, because after about 3~4 days of working out with it, it will start to stink, BAD.

Theres also a display device that you can use for immediate feedback instead of having to hookup the module to your pc to look up the different stats for the day.

You can wear it like a watch, or clip it to your shirt or whatever like an Ipod nano. The other nice feature is that you can program thresholds, so for example, you can start working out and program the device to let you know when you've burnt 500 calories.

I do not have the display device. Frankly I'm still thinking through whether I really need it. I'm not sure that knowing how many calories I have burnt today to this exact minute is worth $70, which is what the display device costs, but being able to program the module to sound an alarm when I burn x amount of calories is a nice feature. Oh well moving on (I'm sure you really care if I buy it or not :).

All in all, if you want to get serious about losing weight, you really need to get one of these counters, Bodybugg or GoWear Fit. It forces you to be accountable to yourself and (assuming you log your meals accurately and studiously) minimizes the tendency to fall into victim-hood mode when the going gets tough and you start to make excuses. It's all there in black and white. Heres what you ingested and heres what you burnt. If you're not losing weight then the reason is right there in front you.

It also makes it that much harder to kid yourself. I think most of us have done this at one time or another. You decide to have that slice of cheesecake but it's ok because you'll work out an extra 1.5 hours this evening to make up for it, and you don't. Well, at the end of the day, it's going to be right there bitch slapping you back into coherence. The next time you try to kid yourself into having something fatty with the promise of making up for it you will remember that you have to deal with that at the end of the day.

Well, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading through. I hope this review answered at least some of your questions, and I wish you well on your weight loss journey.

Click Here to see more reviews about: GoWear fit Lifestyle and Calorie Management System

Product Description:
Do you ever wonder how many calories you burn playing with the kids? Or how many steps you take on the way to work? GoWear fit is a clinically proven system that turns your body's everyday information into a tool to help you manage a healthy lifestyle. The GoWear fit armband measures how many calories you burn, how many steps you take, how physically active you are, and how much sleep you're getting.

View larger. Simply wear it during the course of your regular day, then plug it into your computer and upload your data to your personal GoWear fit Online Activity Manager. The Manager will help you establish your goals, track your progress, and give you tools to help you know how many calories you're eating, on average, per day.
Want to know how you're doing right now? Purchase the optional GoWear fit display and clip it onto your shirt, pants, or bag. It'll give you minute-to-minute updates on your data--all day, every day! The GoWear fit Online Activity Manager is FREE for three months with Amazon purchase. A small subscription fee applies thereafter: $6.95 per month with a 12-month commitment, $9.95 per month for a six-month commitment, or $12.95 per month with no commitment.

View larger. The System
The GoWear fit system is different from all other performance monitors on the market. It's not a heart-rate monitor, a GPS device, or a simple pedometer. Instead, it's a system that includes:

    GoWear fit multi-sensor armband
    GoWear fit Online Activity Manager (subscription based)
    GoWear fit minute-to-minute display (optional)

click here for specifications Multi-Sensor Armband
Your armband is a small computer that measures a variety of physical characteristics, including motion, steps, galvanic skin response, skin temperature, and heat flux. It's the only multi-sensor monitor that can accurately track:

    Calorie burn
    Physical activity
    Steps taken
    Sleep duration
    Sleep efficiency
Your GoWear fit has multiple sensors. Those innovative sensors take five different "views" of your life:

View larger. GoWear fit Online Activity Manager
Your Online Activity Manager is a personalized Web page that helps you see the information collected by your armband, including:

    Daily caloric expenditure
    Daily caloric intake based on a nutritional tool with more than 30,000 foods to choose from
    Calorie balance
    Total physical activity (sedentary, moderate, and vigorous)
    Total steps taken
    Sleep duration and efficiency

The Manager is what makes it possible for you to view your data. It also features tools that allow you to set goals, record your weight and waist circumference, assess your average daily caloric intake, print reports for later review, and monitor your body's progress over time.
Your monthly subscription gives you unlimited access to your data, the nutritional assessment tool, printable reports, and the ability to see your trends up to 90 days at a time.

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