MyoFusion Review

MyoFusionGaspari Myofusion is easily the best tasting protein I've ever had out of the 20 some odd brands I've tried over the last 7 or 8 years. I would have to say that Vanilla is my favorite of the 3 flavors followed by Strawberry, then Chocolate. It's actually called Delicious Vanilla and it is exactly that. If you like Vanilla milkshakes you will love this stuff. Strawberry tastes absolutely amazing, as well. Chocolate I wasn't crazy about at first, but have grown to really like it. Of course part of the problem with that was me adding a teaspoon of glutamine to the shake and it was slightly affecting the taste(I'll tell you more about the Glutamine in a bit).

You can't go wrong with all 3 flavors, but as I said I'm very partial to Vanilla and Strawberry. No matter what flavor you choose it will taste great whether you mix it with fat free milk, skim milk, or 2% milk. I've never tried Myofusion with water so I can't comment on that. It would probably still taste really good. I usually use fat free milk with mine, but sometimes I'll splurge and use 2% milk which it gives an even richer taste. This stuff is super easy to mix with a shaker. I take 4 to 5 scoops a day and have been for about 10 months, with the exception of a 3 week hiatus when I tried that disgusting stuff known as Squirtro-Tech...errrr I mean, Nitro-Tech(read my review right here on Amazon).

Best of all, there's no chemically aftertaste or bloating or squirting. It's not too sweet either. Just right! So Gaspari please don't mess with the formula. It's made with Splenda and only has 3 grams of fat and 2 grams of sugar per scoop. Has a whooping 25 grams of protein per scoop! If I remember correctly there is 157.5 calories per scoop. There are 63 servings in a 5 lb. tub and 1 scoop equals 1 serving. There is a 2 lb. tub but I've never bought it. There are tons of vitamins and minerals in Myofusion, too.

Results? Yep, I've gotten great results from this stuff. When I first started taking it I was regular flat barbell benching(non-smith machine...cabled smith machines should only be used for people with injuries or for an occasional routine change but don't stay on it long...cheaters also use it to make it look like they're benching more) about 265 lbs. I went from 265 lbs to 330 lbs, which is where I'm at right now in 10 months on an Olympic size barbell bench. That's a 65 lbs. increase with no creatine use in 10 months! Yes, Myofusion doesn't contain creatine, which is a good thing because you shouldn't abuse that stuff. If you do take take it in cycles of about 3 months on/off. I can't take it anymore because it gives me the poops.

Anyway, for a 35 year old, like me, whose testerone levels have pretty much come to a halt this stuff has done wonders. I never thought I would bench more than 300 lbs. I've put on 20 lbs. of lean muscle since I started taking Myofusion. Of course, I've been consuming 100 to 125 protein grams from the powder alone every day, including non training days. Add in all the other food I eat during the day plus the 35 to 40 oz. of milk(mix 1 scoop with 8 oz. of milk or water I drink with this stuff everyday and you're looking at 250 grams of protein consumption a day for about 10 months and working out hard and heavy 6 days a week.

The only downside to this protein that I have found(no it doesn't give you gas) is that it doesn't contain Glutamine. But that's no biggie since you can go to Wally World and get a 2 month supply for $10 smackers. Mix a teaspoon full of it in a glass of water an hour before you workout and a teaspoon in with your Myofusion immediately after you work out and you'll be all set. I didn't know that it didn't contain Glutamine until about 2 months after taking it. I was getting really sore after my workouts and wasn't recovering real well so I decided to research recovery and found that Glutamine is great for that. I checked to product label on Myofusion and saw it didn't have any. Quick remedy: Add my own. I can tell a difference since I've been using the Glutamine. Not a huge difference, but still noticeable.

Myofusion, for as high a quality of protein as it is and for what it does and how it tastes, you can't go wrong for the price. You can find the 5 lb tubs of Myofusion on the internet for about $45 total. Just google Myofusion and you'll find a bunch of suppliers. Hint:Prosource You really can't go wrong with Gaspari Myofusion in taste and results. I haven't found any better protein out there that's better in those 2 important catergories. If someone can find me a better tasting protein please let me know. Yes, some will say Syntha 6. I've tried all of their flavors and while Syntha 6 does taste great, but I don't think it tastes as good as Myofusion, nor did it produce the results I wanted. I have a feeling I'll be using Myofusion for years to come. In fact, this may be the only protein I ever use! It's that awesome!!!

Trivia: Gaspari is actually a person. Rich Gaspari, the founder/creator of Myofusion and it's family of products, was a former professional body builder back in the 1980's. He twice placed 2nd in the Mr. Olympia competition back in the late 1980's. Google him, too. He was huge! I def want someone like him backing my product!

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Product Description:
When it comes to the real nutritional needs of bodybuilders and athetes alike, there is little doubt to what legitimate science has to say about the different protein sources available int eh supplement marketplace. Unfortunatwly, this has little to do with the marketing message sent by most seller sof protein in the supplement market today. The competition between sellers is fierce and the drive to sell more protein by differenciating a protein by any means neccesary (whether it is legitimate or not) is prevelant to say the least. Supplements with multi-timed released proteins are everywhere, boasting absorption levels so slow that amino acids stays in the bloodstream for 5 to 13 hours! Some true, most... well... not! Let's just pretend it is true - all if it! Good news if you are a couch potato, don't eat frequently enough or only go to the gym occasionally - you may be in luck! One of these products might just sustain the amino acid levels in your body long enough for you to drag your butt up to eat every 5 to 13 hous. I wish we could play that game but we can't! Last we checked the typical hardcore, eductaed athlete using Gaspari products is on a 2.5 to 3 hour meal interval schedule and for this reason Myofusion delivers only the highest and most legitimately bioavailable proteins in existence - hard and fast!

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