Slim Down Fast Weight Loss Program Review

Slim Down Fast Weight Loss ProgramI never had a weight problem until I got older. I've had a desk job for the past 10 years and sometimes it's hard to fit any form of exercise in the day.I played baseball through college and could always eat what I wanted and when I wanted. I've had 2 knee surgeries on the same knee so my sports activities have been narrowed down a bit to golf, bicycling, and walking for the most part. Now that I am 45 years old, I just can't eat anything I want anymore.I have always tried to maintain my weight anywhere from 190-205. Over the past few years I have steadily climbed up to a whopping 250!My waist size went from a 34 up to a 40.My knees would be sore after being on my feet all day.Sometimes I felt like I was going to pass out if I bent over to fast to lift something because my gut got so huge. That's when I had enough! I decided to do something about it so I started surfing the net for a weight loss program.I came across this website called and it actually opened my eyes to eating the right way, smaller portions and snacks throughout the day. Most of the time I was skipping breakfast; having a big lunch with plenty of carbs (bread or pasta), and an even bigger dinner as late as 9-10:00pm.After learning some good basic eating habits on this program, I realized why I was packing on the weight so fast.I also decided to start doing some walking for at least 15 minutes or longer 3-4 times a week.I knew all of this change was going to be difficult at first because I would be faced with the carb withdrawals doing without the breads, pastas, and even sweets. The program has these natural herbal supplements and I only needed to take one a day to stop the cravings. I couldn't believe I wasn't hungry come lunch time. The plan offers many food suggestions throughout the day so you can even eat out as much as you like and have plenty of sensible options no matter where you go. It has an audio CD to help motivate and educate you to get started.I bought this program last summer in 2007 for $49 and in 6 weeks I dropped 27 pounds.But I didn't stop there, it became so easy I decided to keep going just to see if I could get back to my college playing weight and wear size 34 waist jeans again.After a little over 4 months I reached my goal. Remember, I was hardly exercising at all, just a little walking about 3-4 days a week.In January 2008 I am staying between 195-200 pounds and proud to wear my size 34 waist jeans again. I honestly think the reason why I stuck with this program was because the daily supplements helped me with the food cravings. I also realized that working out excessively only made me hungrier. I've tried the eating healthy type programs before but I couldn't stick with it. These supplements definitely make a difference and they have no side effects because they are natural.I would recommend this program to any guy (or girl) that wants to drop the weight without having to go to the gym everyday. I am so thankful that my knees don't hurt anymore or I'm not passing out from bending over.My wife tells me I have too much energy sometimes and tries to create a bigger "honey-do" list for!All my friends say I look much younger now. 2008 is going to be a great year!

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Product Description:
The Slim Down Fast Weight Loss Program is an effective program that takes the guesswork out of losing the weight and keeping it off. The Program includes the Slim Down Fast Weight Loss Book plus the Slim Down Fast Daily Herbal Dietary Supplement. The Slim Down Fast Daily Herbal Supplement is a scientifically formulated combination of Green Tea Extract and Essential Vitamins and Minerals which has been proven to melt the fat, increase energy and suppress appetite. The Slim Down Fast Weight Loss program will teach you when, what and how to eat in order to turn your fat burning engine on. If you are ready to finally lose those unwanted pounds and start looking and feeling great, then purchase your Slim Down Fast Weight Loss Program today. Finally you can have the The Secret to Weight Loss and Keeping it Off!

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