NutraBulk D-Ribose Powder ONE KILOGRAM Review

NutraBulk D-Ribose Powder ONE KILOGRAMI first learned of this supplement through Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra after reading his books and website for reversing heart disease. My husband is a type 2 diabetic with high blood pressure and has heart disease (syndrome X).Dr. Sinatra refers to the "Awesome Foursome" of supplements in which D-ribose is one of the four key supplements.

My husband reports "the performance of this product, in conjunction with the other supplements that comprise the 'awesome foursome', was instrumental in improving my health."He calculates that generally d-ribose lowered his blood glucose levels about 30 - 50 points, on average. Using d-ribose in conjunction with a daily exercise program and a lifestyle change (he now completely avoids bleached white flour, white rice, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and soda) he now routinely has glucose levels of 90 - 120 where before this lifestyle change and supplements he was routinely having readings of 250 - 300 - all while taking the same dosage of his diabetes medication.

More importantly, it gave him a much needed energy boost - before taking d-ribose he appeared as a "sick cardiac patient" with a washed out skin tone and mentions he felt lifeless of energy. Today, 2 months after beginning the Awesome Foursome supplements, his appearance is much healthier, he's full of energy, and he's motivated to continue with a lifestyle change now that he can see major results.In his case he's even regrowing hair on some areas of his scalp where he has been bald for many years. We don't know what in particular is causing this new hair growth but he's not complaining! ;-)

What works for one person may not work for another so use due diligence when selecting any supplements and read as much as possible before using any of them.We found great information on d-Ribose in the National Institute of Health's archive of articles on Medline. [...] - see below.

The warning label on this container states "Cautions: diabetics should consult their medical provider before using D-Ribose and closely monitor blood glucose levels if taking supplemental D-Ribose."



Abstracts of several articles we found on Medline:

Eur J Heart Fail. 2003 Oct;5(5):615-9.

D-Ribose improves diastolic function and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a prospective feasibility study.
Omran H, Illien S, MacCarter D, St Cyr J, Luderitz B.

Department of Medicine-Cardiology, University of Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Street 25, D-53105, Bonn, Germany.

Patients with chronic coronary heart disease often suffer from congestive heart failure (CHF) despite multiple drug therapies. D-Ribose has been shown in animal models to improve cardiac energy metabolism and function following ischaemia. This was a prospective, double blind, randomized, crossover design study, to assess the effect of oral D-ribose supplementation on cardiac hemodynamics and quality of life in 15 patients with chronic coronary artery disease and CHF. The study consisted of two treatment periods of 3 weeks, during which either oral D-ribose or placebo was administered followed by a 1-week wash out period, and then administration of the other supplement. Assessment of myocardial functional parameters by echocardiography, quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire and functional capacity using cycle ergometer testing was performed. The administration of D-ribose resulted in an enhancement of atrial contribution to left ventricular filling (40+/-11 vs. 45+/-9%, P=0.02), a smaller left atrial dimension (54+/-20 vs. 47+/-18 ml, P=0.02) and a shortened E wave deceleration (235+/-64 vs. 196+/-42, P=0.002) by echocardiography. Further, D-ribose also demonstrated a significant improvement of the patient's quality of life (417+/-118 vs. 467+/-128, P< or =0.01). In comparison, placebo did not result in any significant echocardiographic changes or in quality of life. This feasibility study in patients with coronary artery disease in CHF revealed the beneficial effects of D-ribose by improving diastolic functional parameters and enhancing quality of life.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2000 Oct;5(4):249-58.
D-Ribose as a supplement for cardiac energy metabolism.
Pauly DF, Pepine CJ.

Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA.

Metabolic support for the heart has been an attractive concept since the pioneering work of Sodi-Pallares et al. four decades ago.* Recently, interest has increased in the use of over-the-counter supplements and naturally occurring nutriceuticals for enhancement of cardiac and skeletal muscle performance. These include amino acids such as creatine, L-carnitine, and L-arginine, as well as vitamins and cofactors such as alpha-tocopherol and coenzyme Q. Like these other molecules, D-ribose is a naturally occurring compound. It is the sugar moiety of ATP and has also received interest as a metabolic supplement for the heart. The general hypothesis is that under certain pathologic cardiac conditions, nucleotides (particularly ATP, ADP, and AMP) are degraded and lost from the heart. The heart's ability to resynthesize ATP is then limited by the supply of D-ribose, which is a necessary component of the adenine nucleotide structure. In support of this hypothesis, recent reports have used D-ribose to increase tolerance to myocardial ischemia. Its use in patients with stable coronary artery disease improves time to exercise-induced angina and electrocardiographic changes. In conjunction with thallium imaging or dobutamine stress echocardiography, D-ribose supplementation has been used to enhance detection of hibernating myocardium. In this article, we review the biochemical basis for using supplemental D-ribose as metabolic support for the heart and discuss the experimental evidence for its benefit.Int J Cardiol. 2008 Mar 28;125(1):49-56. Epub 2007 Apr 16.

D-ribose improves cardiac contractility and hemodynamics, and reduces expression of c-fos in the hippocampus during sustained slow ventricular tachycardia in rats.
Schneider HJ, Rossner S, Pfeiffer D, Hagendorff A.

Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik II, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Franz-Joseph-Strauss Allee 11, 93053 Regensburg, Deutschland, Germany.

BACKGROUND: Moderate hypotension during hemodynamically stable ventricular tachycardia (VT), leads to cerebral ischemia. Supplementation of d-ribose has been shown to improve cardiac metabolism. We hypothesized that cerebral ischemia during slow VT may lead to the expression of immediate early genes related to neurodegeneration. This expression may be prevented by d-ribose substitution. METHODS: Slow VT was induced over 20 min by external left ventricular pacing after infusion of physiologic saline or d-ribose (450 mg/kg) in 44 rats. Different coloured microspheres were used for tissue blood flow measurements. Histochemistry of c-fos in cerebral tissue sections was performed. RESULTS: With the onset of VT, the mean arterial pressure (MAP) significantly dropped in both groups. However, the MAP in the d-ribose group was significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the control group (111+/-21 mm Hg vs. 80+/-40 mm Hg). The rate pressure product (RPP) during VT was significantly higher in the d-ribose group than in the control group (75,000 vs. 59,000, p<0.05). The occurrence of lethal VT was significantly higher in the control group and could be prevented by d-ribose. A stable activation of c-fos was observed in the control group. This ischemic stress response of the brain could not be seen after d-ribose infusion. CONCLUSION: d-ribose improves hemodynamic parameters, cardiac contractility and prevents the activation of pro-apoptotic c-fos, demonstrating a neuroprotective effect of d-ribose during slow VT.

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Product Description:
ONE Kilogram of pharmaceutical grade D-Ribose Powder $72.99 a-D-Ribofuranose (D-Ribose) is found in each cell of the body and is an essential component for production of energy. The body uses D-Ribose to make nucleic acids, glycogen and most importantly the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ? the body?s energy source. Adequate levels of ATP are critical for optimal health and athletic performance. Illness, strenuous or infrequent exercise, advancing age and a wide variety of metabolic disorders can drain the body?s cells of ATP resulting general fatigue, sore muscles and lack of energy. While the body can produce D-ribose on its own, it lacks the ability to do this quickly and efficiently. Research has shown supplemental D-Ribose significantly increases ATP production in both slow and fast twitch muscles and contributes to greater power and athletic endurance. Numerous studies show supplemental D-ribose reduces recovery time needed for heart and muscle tissue to replace ATP lost during strenuous exercise. Dosage: As a dietary supplement, mix one serving (5 grams) with water or other beverage 2-3 times dailey or as directed by your healthcare provider. Expiration Date: JULY 2012 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

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